Betacraft Minecraft server trailer

About us

Our mission is to make it easier to play and enjoy old Minecraft versions, on both modern and retro hardware.

Betacraft Launcher

The main Betacraft project is Betacraft Launcher, supporting all still existing versions of Minecraft before 1.6 and providing easy access to them. (A great portion of these versions was sourced from Omniarchive, so pay them a visit too!)

The launcher fixes various game crashes, lack of sound & player skins, and much more. A full summary of fixes is available on the launcher's Github page.

If you have a Minecraft server, you have to apply for verification to have your server listed in the launcher. Contact us through our social media (Discord or Bluesky) to get a private key, and follow the instructions here to make your server seen!

The server list is also available in the browser, here.

We're also developing a successor to Betacraft Launcher v1 - Betacraft Launcher v2, which is more polished and intuitive, less janky (thanks to Qt) and supports pretty much every Minecraft version* and every platform under the sun!
*Only up to 1.12.2. Later ones can do without our help ;)

Download the launcher here

Our Minecraft server

We host a survival Minecraft server for Beta 1.7.3. There's a server trailer for you to watch at the top of the page =)

Land claims

The claim system on the server is staff-controlled, meaning you have to call a staff member to make or redefine your claim. There really isn't a limit to how many claims one might have, or what size they should be. The only rule is that we only make claims on terrain that you've built something on. If you later expand your build, just let us know and we'll expand the claim as well. All relevant claim information can be found under command /warp tutorial in-game.

Available claim flags


Yes, we do have skylands on the server. But it's kind of different to how e.g. the Nether works. Your inventory in skylands is separate to your overworld inventory — this is meant to be a challenge to find ways to survive and thrive in that desolate, empty, yet beautiful dimension, where only chickens naturally spawn and where certain items or blocks are just impossible to get ahold of. Oh, and 1 block in the overworld is equal to 8 blocks in skylands, so everyone gets their own kind of heaven :)


From mid 2016 until early 2021 we tried various attempts at economy. It was constantly getting exploited to gain gazillion coins, to later spend on anything one could ever want until the end of time. Eventually we came to the conclusion that currency-based economy is bad in its core, and removed it from the server. Now there's only barter trade. And we want to bring back chest shops (without currencies, just item(s) for item(s)) at some point in the future.


The main place for our community is our Discord server. There, you can share your latest creations, funny moments, or anything really. You can also ping a server moderator to help you in-game, in case you need it.

Online server map

You can preview the server world in 3D, online. Take note that it requires a decent computer and JavaScript enabled!

Joining the server

Server address —

To join the server, you should have a Minecraft Java Edition licence and some sort of auth fix installed.

If you're using Betacraft Launcher or Betacraft Proxy, you should be good to go.

If you don't want to use either, you can get something like SimpleOnlineModeFix (jarmod) or RetroAuth (Fabric mod) for your Minecraft instance.


Uberbukkit is a Minecraft server software (based on Project Poseidon) providing b1.7.3 plugin compatibility for older Beta protocols (b1.0 to b1.6.6) and exploit patches.

Simply download Uberbukkit, configure your target version and gameplay mechanics by editing uberbukkit.yml, and everything should work.