Introduction to claim flags

Flags can be used to permit or forbid actions inside your claim.


/rg flag <region id> <flag> [state]

Available flags

Flag Possible states Notes
chest-access[deny] allow; deny; none If non-members can access containers in your claim. Setting none will always make containers inaccessible to non-member players.
creeper-explosion[staff default] allow; deny; none Whether creepers should explode in your claim.
deny-spawn One or many mob types,
separated by commas:


leave empty to disable
Mobs listed in this setting will not spawn inside your claim.
fire-spread[staff default] allow; deny; none Whether fire should burn flammable blocks in your claim.
ghast-fireball allow; deny; none Whether ghast fireballs should cause explosions in your claim.
grass-growth allow; deny; none Whether grass should spread in your claim.
ice-form allow; deny; none Whether ice should form in winter biomes in your claim.
ice-melt allow; deny; none Whether ice should melt in your claim.
item-drop[everyone] allow; deny; none Whether players should be allowed to drop items in your claim.
lava-fire allow; deny; none Whether lava should set nearby blocks on fire in your claim.
leaf-decay allow; deny; none Whether leaves should decay in your claim.
lighter allow; deny; none Whether all players should be able to light things on fire in your claim. Non-members by default are restricted from doing so.
mob-spawning allow; deny; none Whether mobs can spawn at all.
mushroom-growth allow; deny; none Whether mushrooms should spread in your claim.
pistons allow; deny; none Whether pistons should work in your claim.
snow-fall allow; deny; none Whether snowfall should form snow on your claim.
snow-melt allow; deny; none Whether snow should melt in your claim.
tnt allow; deny; none Whether TNT should be placeable and explode in your claim.
use allow; deny; none Whether non-members should be able to use levers, buttons, pressure plates, doors, etc. in your claim.
vehicle-destroy allow; deny; none Whether non-members should be able to destroy vehicles (boats & all kinds of minecarts) in your claim.
vehicle-place allow; deny; none Whether non-members should be able to place vehicles (boats & all kinds of minecarts) in your claim.
  1. This flag effectively acts as deny by default.
  2. This flag affects everyone in the claim: members, owners and non-members.
  3. This flag is by default set to deny by staff on claim creation.